Traveling with Kids Around the World

Traveling With Kids Around The World

If you mention traveling with kids around the world, some people look at you like you are certifiably insane.  However, it is not crazy at all. In fact, taking your kids around the world is one of the most rewarding experiences for both them and you.  

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Why Traveling With Kids Around The World Is Important?

If you have the means to travel internationally with your kids, it is one of the most important things you can do for them to ensure they are raised as well rounded, open-minded children who appreciate what they have.  If your child lives their whole life inside a bubble of people just like them, they will never understand people not like them.

What better way to make them appreciate the car you drive around in every day than to see a family of five sharing a motorbike?

Traveling With Kids Around The World

You have the opportunity to raise little globetrotters who will forever be comfortable navigating the globe and will always appreciate the diversity of the people and world around them.  

Traveling With Kids Around The World

However, It is not just about what is learned as you travel with your kids around the world.  It is about the connection you make with them as you travel. We live in a world of hectic schedules and electronic devices.  There is very little downtime, and we do not communicate and connect like we used to.  

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Traveling with your kids around the world allows you to engage with them in new ways.  You learn about each other as you learn about the world around you. When you experience new things together, you connect in new ways.  You will return from vacation with more than a tan, you will have accumulated travel memories that will last a lifetime.

Traveling With Kids Around The World

You need the confidence to make all of this happen though, so keep reading!

How To Make Traveling With Kids Around The World Easy

You should start talking about the trip before you leave.  Check out age-appropriate books about your destination from your local library.  If your kids are excited about the trip, their anticipation will set the tone for your trip.

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Book extra space for you and your partner to get away, even if it just a balcony to sit on and enjoy some bubbles while the kids watch some tv or once they are in bed.

Traveling With Kids Around The World

If you are traveling with younger kids and all of the things they require, like strollers and car seats, target destinations where driving is easy.  This allows you to rent a car and make traveling close to your normal routine at home.

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Except instead of driving to and from the Target and Starbucks, you are driving to and from historic monuments and natural wonders.

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Better yet, consider private transfers and tours so that you truly do not need to worry about a thing.  

Do not overpack.  You may not think you can fit all of the items you need in a carry-on suitcase, but you can.  If you need more than what can fit in a carry-on, guess what? Washing machines and dryers exist all over the world!  You can do laundry halfway on the trip and avoid the excess weight. You’ll likely be carrying your kids’ suitcases some of the time, especially if you are traveling with younger kids around the world.

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Let your children pack a few of their favorite things, even if it means packing less of your favorite things.  If your kids are happy while traveling, everyone will be happier.

What To Consider When Traveling With Kids Around The World

Do not take the same style trip you took before kids.  You need to keep them in mind. Most young kids are not going to enjoy walking around big cities and staring at architecture and museums all day.  

We are not saying that you should not do anything you want to during your trip.  However, you should not follow your own personal schedule all day and drag your kids along.  They will not appreciate this and will act accordingly. Perhaps you look for a museum with a kids section or visit a neighborhood full of historic buildings and a really great playground.  That way everybody wins!

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Most kids like a good splash in a pool, so even if you are not in a tropical destination, you can pick a hotel with a pool that will allow your children to blow off some steam at the end of their day.  

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Another thing to consider is the cuisine of the country you are visiting.  If your children do not like Thai food, do not visit Thailand. There will not be a lot of alternatives for them.  Even in Europe, kids menus are not the norm, so they will likely need to order off a normal menu. Be prepared!

Traveling With Kids Around The World

You are not going to be able to keep up the pace you are used to when traveling with kids.  Whatever you think you are going to fit into a given day will likely not pan out each day. Just make sure you understand this ahead of time so that you will not be disappointed.  

Try to avoid moving around too much.  Packing up an entire family every day or two will get tiring fast so just enjoy each destination a little longer so that you can see all the sites in one spot.

Traveling With Kids Around The World
Read More: Most Popular Travel Insurance Options for Families With Kids

How To Get The Most Out Of Traveling With Kids Around The World

Involve your children with the planning of the trip.  Find out what they want to accomplish during the trip.  When children feel valued, their attitudes reflect this.

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Set screen time limits for the whole family.  There is no point traveling across the globe to sit at a meal with everyone staring at their phones.  Do not make your default to give your young kids your phone or a tablet, although we realize sometimes, it is the only choice. 

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Try giving them a pad of paper and colored pencils for those times you are waiting for a meal or on a long journey. Your children can relive their trip through their creations.

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Another idea is to bring some card games, did someone say “Go Fish?”.  You may not remember every game of UNO you have ever played with your family, but you will always remember the one on the ferry to Mykonos where your family passed the time with an epic UNO game.

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Plan tours that cater to kids.  Private tours are a great way to accommodate your family, but it is important to choose the right one.

Consider using a travel advisor that works with families.  

Some Bonus Tips For Traveling With Kids Around The World

Children under two fly free on the lap of a parent.  This is a great perk to take advantage of when traveling with babies and toddlers.

Read More: Tips For Traveling With A Lap Infant

Red-eye flights that leave around the time your children normally fall asleep are a great way to ensure some rest en route to a destination.

Include at least one extra day of a light schedule to help kids adjust to jet lag, it is harder for them to power through the fatigue.

There are actually pillows designed for children to sleep on planes.  Buy one! Especially if you have a fussy sleeper.

Read More: 6 Perfect Travel Pillows For Every Type Of Traveler

Do not forget that your child’s passport expires every five years, not every ten years like adult passports.  

Traveling With Kids Around The World

Fact:  Traveling with kids around the world is going to be harder than traveling without them.

However, that is not necessarily a bad thing.  When you work harder for something, you appreciate it more … and so will your kids.  Showing your kids the world is the greatest gift you can give them. They may not realize it as it is happening, but one day they will.



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Traveling With Kids Around The World