Magical Images of Mazatlan

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

On the Pacific coast of Mexico, you will find a resort town full of history and tradition. Don’t take that to mean this place is boring. The exact opposite is true. If you are looking for a party, they’ve got all the fun you could want and then some. You will find yourself surrounded in natural beauty unlike anything you’ve ever experienced as you try to experience it all. Mazatlán is a magical city in Mexico, and we have the photos to prove it.

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

The ocean is the color of an emerald here. View from El Cid El Moro Beach hotel

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

The waves roll in and out along the sandy beaches where you can relax all day.
El Cid El Moro Beach hotel

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

There is more to Mazatlán than the beach though. The landscape is diverse with beaches, rocky cliffs, greenery, homes, and cityscape.

El Cid El Moro Beach hotel

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

Not your typical sunset view as the sun hides behind the island off the coast of Mazatlán.
View from Holiday Inn Resort

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

Rocky shores meet gentle waves.

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

Where the ocean meets the city, with beautiful islands looking on.

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

Everywhere you turn in the city, you are surrounded by historical and lovely architecture.

One of the historical sites in Old Mazatlán.

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

Day of the Dead in the Historic District.

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

The city offers shopping, authentic cuisine, and lovely meeting places like this.

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

Stroll the city streets here. The beach isn’t all there is to see and do.

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

Take an ATV tour to explore the beaches with Pronatours

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

New life bursting forth at the Turtle Sanctuary with Pronatours

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

Rocky cliffs on the shores are the sight for thrilling cliff diving. Just watch the expert. Do not try this yourself!

Magical Images Of Mazatlan

If these photos have you wanting more, you are ready for your own trip to Mazatlán. Stand breathless by the emerald sea, walk down the old brick streets, eat, shop, and celebrate. This beautiful spot in Mexico is an amazing destination for a moms’ getaway, a romantic couple’s trip, or a family trip if you have older children or teenagers. Be sure to pack your camera so you can bring home your own perfect snapshots of your journey.


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If you need new luggage for your trip to Mazatlan, check out Smart Travel with Raden.

Photo Credits: EveryAvenueGirl
