8 Of The Best Rainforest Locations To Visit In The World


Traveling to the most exotic rainforest locations in the world can be some of the most exciting experiences on the planet! There are two types of rainforests, temperate and tropical temperate. Tropical rainforest locations are found closer to the equator, while temperate rainforests are near cooler coastal areas further north or south of the equator. No matter which rainforest locations you choose to visit, rest assured that you will be making lifelong memories!

Incredible Rainforest Locations Around The Globe

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Tropical Rainforest, India

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India is home to the most breathtaking & lush tropical rainforest locations in the world. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, located at the southeastern edge of the Bay of Bengal, have many flora and fauna. They also have plant and animal species from nearby countries like Myanmar, Thailand, and Bangladesh. About 2,200 plants grow in the Andaman Islands, 200 of which are endemic, and 1,300 are not found in mainland India, making it the richest biosphere in India. The union territory has almost 570 islands, with 38 of these islands inhabited by 380,000 people. On average, these tropical rainforest locations receive 2000 mm of rainfall throughout the year.

Interesting Facts: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are popular destinations for honeymooners. A dazzling ocean brimming with marine life and coral gardens surrounds the sandy beaches. Gandhi Park, Sippighat Farm, and the century-old Cellular Jail (Kālā Pānī) give tourists a glimpse into the history of these magnificent islands.

Luzon Montane Rainforest, Philipines

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Luzon is the largest and most populous island in the Philippines, located in the western Pacific Ocean, and well known for its stunning mountains, beaches, and colorful coral reefs. The Luzon rainforests are the country’s most extensive of all its rainforest locations.

The Luzon Montane rainforest is a tropical moist broadleaf forest ecoregion and is the country’s most extensive rainforest. The rainforest is located on several volcanic and non-volcanic mountains of the island. Very little of the original rainforest remains.

Most mammals on the mountains of Luzon Island are “cloud rats” and “earthworm mice.” Throughout a 12-year biological exploration into the mountains, scientists have discovered 52 species of non-flying mammal species found nowhere else in the world.

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Read More: The Philippine Islands Top 10 Extraordinary Activities For the Adventurer

Sumatra Rainforest, Indonesia

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The Indonesian island of Sumatra has the richest and most diverse tropical rainforest locations on the planet, home to many rare species and providing livelihoods for millions of people. Protecting these forests and the incredible biodiversity one finds here is a WWF priority (World Wide Fund for Nature).

Poaching also poses a danger to the island’s endangered species. Rhinos are killed for their horns, tigers are hunted for their skins, and orangutans are taken and used for entertainment and tourism trade. Sumatra’s Tropical Rainforest Heritage Site covers 2.5 million hectares and includes three national parks: Gunung Leuser National Park, Kerinci Seblat National Park, and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park.

Great Bear Rainforest, Canada

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The Great Bear Rainforest stretches 250 miles along the central and northern coast of British Columbia, from Knight Inlet to the Alaska Panhandle. It covers 5.8 million acres. A quarter of the world’s temperate rainforests are found here, so it’s an excellent place for relaxation and nature exploration. Wildlife viewing abounds, from eagles to grizzly bears, and sea otters to dolphins and whales. In addition, there’s kayaking and fishing along the coast and hiking through old-growth forests. The Great Bear Rainforest can be accessed by boat or floatplane.

Interesting Facts: The Great Bear Rainforest is the only place in the world where you can find the rare white Kermode bear, also known as the “Spirit bear.” 

Hoh Rainforest, USA

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The Hoh Rain Forest in Washington State is one of Olympic National Park’s more popular destinations and is an excellent example of temperate rainforest locations in the United States. The rainforest lies near Olympic National Park’s western edge, approximately 30 miles east of the town of Forks. This beautiful rainforest has abundant wildlife, including cougars, Pacific tree frogs, mountain goats, the northern spotted owl, black bears, and Roosevelt elk.

Interesting Facts: The Hoh Rain Forest ecosystem has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and is one of the most carefully preserved rainforest locations in the northern hemisphere.

Read More: Exploring Sitka Alaska Wilderness and Culture

Amazon Rainforest, Brazil

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The infamous Amazon is the world’s largest site of all tropical rainforest locations and is well known for its biodiversity, and is populated by more than 30 million people. The Amazon rainforest covers much of northwestern Brazil and extends into Colombia, Peru, and South American countries. In addition, the mighty Amazon River (the largest river by discharge volume of water in the world) crisscrosses the Amazon. The Amazon is one of the only rainforest locations in the world that has the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem. Many species of plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater fish, and insects can be found here.

Interesting Facts: Many Amazon river towns feature 19th-century architecture, including Brazil’s Manaus and Belém and Peru’s Iquitos and Puerto Maldonado.

Congo Rainforest, Africa

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The beautiful Congo Rainforest tropical moist broadleaf rainforest extends across the Congo River basin and branches into central Africa. The Congo Rainforest, known for its rich biodiversity, has more than 600 tree species and 10,000 animal species. Its most famous wildlife include forest elephants, lowland gorillas, chimpanzees, okapi, leopards, forest giraffe, rare butterflies, hippos, bonobos, and lions. 

The Congo Basin region contains some of the largest tropical rainforest locations in the world and is an essential source of water used in agriculture and energy generation. Rainfall average ranges from 1,200 mm to 2,000 mm annually.

Interesting Facts: The Congo Basin is 500 million acres, is one of the most important wilderness areas on the planet, and is the second-largest tropical rainforest in the world.

New Guinea Rainforest, Papua New Guinea

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The rainforests of New Guinea located in Papua New Guinea cover 65% of the land. This is the third-largest rainforest in the world and the largest in the Asia-Pacific region. The diversity of the New Guinea Rainforest is unparalleled anywhere else on Earth. There are many types of vegetation and animals on the island, including dense tropical rainforests and coastal mangroves. Among the many orchid species found in this area, many are unique to the island.

Even though New Guinea is remote, it hasn’t been immune to common threats. Invasions of the rainforest are increasing from logging, mining, hunting, and palm oil plantations.

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Traveling to these breathtaking rainforest locations around the world with your loved ones will leave you with some of the richest experiences that our planet has to offer. The beautiful flora and fauna at each location will not only impress you but will help you reconnect with the natural world. Any of the rainforest locations in this guide are ideal for a memorable vacation with family and friends. So start packing your bags, and get your cameras ready for your next amazing adventure!

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