16 Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

It is hard to believe how many helpful traveling apps there are. It feels like you can find an app for anything. We want to make it easy for you, so we have narrowed down some excellent traveling apps that can help you on any leg of your journey.

Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Traveling Apps For Booking Travel


Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

You probably already know about traveling app juggernauts like Travelocity and Expedia. Those are all fine and well, but those are obvious options. Hostelworld is a whole different game. Do not let the word Hostel scare you. There are a lot of quality Hostels that have private living quarters and offer fun classes and happy hours. What’s more? You can even use this app to translate other languages.

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Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Classic Airbnb. Using Airbnb while you travel can offer a unique travel experience. Sometimes the host will offer their services as a tour guide or you might find your accommodations are located in a less touristy neighborhood. With Airbnb, you are in control of your lodging, as well as your experience.

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Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Hopper is a fantastic flight price tracker. It is able to predict with 95% accuracy, saving you up to 40%. The app is very user-friendly and lets you track multiple locations at once. So if you are not checking your flight pricing on Hopper, you are probably paying more than you need to.

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Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Skyscanner is a lot like Hopper with the option of also booking a car for your travels. You might wonder which one is better? Well, they are both great. It just depends on which app you like to use more. If you are a pro, use both Hopper and Skyscanner to ensure you are getting the very best deal.

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Best Traveling Apps For Navigation


Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Citymapper is extremely user-friendly and is available in the United States and in international cities. With Citymapper, you can determine the quickest transit option, including a jetpack, and get updates on when to get off on a stop. You can even get specific tips like which subway car to be on.

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Google Maps

Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Google Maps is not as fun or nifty as Citymapper, but it is reliable and available anywhere. Google is a trusted brand, so by downloading this traveling app you know exactly what you are getting.

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Best Traveling Apps For Translation

Google Translate

Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Another Google traveling app! This app will translate on the go and will also translate signs. No longer will you have to wonder where the restroom is or how to exit the building. This app is a standard for all international travel.

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Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

What is one thing Google Translate does not do as well as TripLingo? Slang! TripLingo is well versed in slang. It also offers flashcards to help you study the new language and information on the culture of your destination. TripLingo not only gets you acquainted, but it also gets you prepared.

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Unit Converter

Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

If you are traveling internationally, then this app can help you when you need to translate the metric system or understand the exchange rate. Are you road-tripping across seas? This app can help you fill up on gas properly. Need to change the thermostat? The Unit Converter can do all of that. A traveling app like this can come in handy when you least expect it.

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Best Traveling Apps For Your Itinerary


Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

This app will be your best friend if you are traveling, or road tripping, in Canada, the United States or New Zealand. Roadtrippers give its users the best advice on roadside attractions, remarkable mom-and-pops diners, and scenic drives that cannot be missed.

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Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Available in 40 different cities, WithLocals is a traveling app that books tourists with locals. Many people who travel want to experience the city like a local, so here is the best way to do that. Tourists can also specify what kind of experience they would like. You can book an experience based around food, wine, sightseeing, or even nightlife.

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Guides by Lonely Planet

Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Lonely Planet is the creator of some of the best guide books for travels within the United States and around the world. They now have a traveling app with their guides right on your phone. Guides by Lonely Planet is an extensive app that has recommendations for restaurants, hotels, tourist traps, and fun trips off the beaten path. When it comes to your itinerary, this might be all you need.

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Best Miscellaneous Traveling Apps


Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Have a long layover or want to start your trip off right? LoungeBuddy helps the Average Joe (or Georgina) access most airport lounges with a small fee. No elite status needed. So sign up and enjoy some peace and quiet from the hustle and bustle of the airport.

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Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

Timeshifter is an advanced jet lag tool that helps you be more productive on your vacations and when you return. Timeshifter will take information about your time-shifting plans and provide a guide comprised of avoiding caffeine or sleeping at certain times to keep you feeling energized and centered, even if you are on the other side of the world.

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Globe Tips

Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

No one wants to be caught in a foreign country, not knowing how to tip. Some countries find it customary not to tip. It is hard to keep track, but that is where Globe Tip can help. Globe Tip will use your location and quality of service to determine how much to tip. Dining as a group? Globe Tip can also help you figure out how to split it.

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Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists

If you are traveling internationally, you will want to know what your cell service options are. Even with an international travel plan through your cell service, you will probably want to use your WiFi connection whenever you can. WiFi can be more reliable and save you a pretty penny. WhatsApp is a very reliable service that is used by many. Do not be surprised if hotels or restaurants have a WhatsApp account.

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With all of these apps at your disposal, you will be the readiest traveler out there. Whether you are traveling in your home country or internationally, it is time to app up!


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16 Excellent Traveling Apps For Tourists